So today I googled Hannah and Eden. “This is because the bludger is doing barely any work.” This blog was the first thing that came up. It made me think, someone that I don’t know could be obsessively following the blog, hanging off my every word. It’s strange. If you are this random person, thank you for your interest but it is sort of creepy. Unless you are Taylor Lautner, Michael Weston, or a Weasley male, “or Jessica Alba, or the chick from Nancy Drew” I feel uncomfortable with you reading about my life. Please go stalk someone you know.
Anyway, last week was uneventful. On Thursday, I went home after first period. “Once again, BLUDGERRRR” Not because I was sick, we went over this last week, I’m not sick. I went home because I had no seminars. The seminar program is finally putting itself to good use. This Thursday I’m done at noon and next Thursday I’m done after first. So anyway, after cleaning my room, Eden got home and I did some homework. Then we went and got Heath and went up to Sharon’s school. We walked around Cronulla for a while then we went this rotating sushi bar. It was the coolest place ever, except it was sushi. The food rotated then you just picked out what you wanted and gave the plates to the register to pay. It was soooooo cool. “OMG no way girlfriend ;)” After we got some sushi to go, we went to a fish and chips place. I had my first fish and chips on the beach. They’re really good. For everyone in America who doesn’t know, the chips in fish and chips aren’t potato chips, they’re french fries. But fish and french fries sounds dumb. Friday’s chemistry class was interesting. We all brought in skittles and m&ms to eat… I mean, “learn” with. All that resulted from our “learning” was a bunch of sugar high teenagers, “Shirley and I walked around the school oblivious to Mrs Ekrub”, and angry Ms Ekrub (Burke spelled backwards, a fantastic codename, spelling names backwards works really well. You would never know that Mr. Thims is really Mr. Smith. Although, it doesn’t work for some names. A’s name, for example. It is too obvious). We didn’t learn anything. Not that we ever do in chemistry. I learned more in Mr. Thims math class then I do in chemistry. And I already had learned all of that math. Then that night, we went to Neon. We played this safari game at Neon, which was a lot of fun except everyone got soaked and it was a Friday night in a cold church “My eyes still hurt.” “And that is your own fault” The weekend was uneventful. Eden and I had homework, so that was all we did on Saturday. On Sunday, I went to a cricket game, where I met Glen McGrath. He is a really good Australian cricket player. His kids also go to Sharon’s school. I got a picture with him and under his sign. After that, I went home and did some more homework (lovely). Monday was boring. Although I did discover that I don’t like milk, I only use it as an excuse to eat excessive milo. Just so the world knows, Eden owes me a milo covered ice cream ball on my last day. “I think I could be the start of something amazing.” “I think that you scare small children.” On Tuesday, I didn’t have a class until fourth period. If you saw the timetable I put up so long ago, you would see that after dropping math, I have a really blank timetable. So anyway, I slept in until nine and spent two hours getting ready. Yay for me. In Chemistry, Ms Ekrub decided to give us molecule kits. She clearly has never taught 15 and 16 year olds because she didn’t realize that 1, when you give teenagers little balls that can be stuck together and some bendy connectors, we are doomed to play around with them and not listen to instructions, 2, we aren’t going to build molecules, we’re going to try to build things that actually have shape, like puppy dogs and flowers “that’s what you did, Shirley and I threw them across the room at each other,” and 3, we aren’t going to clean up our mess. “That happened when we had the skittles, they turned up in weird places that night” “Why were you putting them down your pants?” Chemistry was, as always, completely useless. After school, I made fun of all the American sophomores who have to take CSAP because I don’t. Of course, I know this is going to bite me in the butt someday but it is totally worth it now. Not much happened the rest of the week. This weekend we went to Canberra and stayed with Eden’s cousins. It was a lot of fun because the oldest is twelve and they’re all very cute. On Saturday, we went to old Parliament house, Parliament house, the art museum, the American Embassy, and the mint. At the art museum I decided I coud be an artist. Now I know you’re all laughing because I can’t draw and blah blah blah. But I’m not going to let that hold me back. Being artistic isn’t essencial to the job of an artist, silly people. And besides, if someone can sell Blue Polls on Canvas and Red Paint Over Blue Paint Over White Paint for millions, imagine what they would pay for Bored in Ekrub’s Chemistry Class. I could be a gazillionare by the time I get back to America. Anyway, between old Pariliment house and Parliament house, a once in a lifetime event happened. We saw these officially looking cars pulled up to the intersection we were waiting at. The license plate had some fancy numbering on it and two little Australian flags were attached to the hood. Ian suggested that it was the prime minister. This thought was mostly confirmed when the light changed and all four officially looking cars took off really fast in a formation that screamed “Look at me, I’m an important person.” After everyone in the car overruled Eden (who thought stalking the prime minister was an old person thing), we followed them. We pulled up right next to the prime minister of Australia, and there’s a picture somewhere if you don’t believe me. When the light changed again, the security car behind him did a very illegal move and changed lanes halfway through the intersection. He did this so we couldn’t pull up next to the car again. He very well could have caused an accident by doing this very illegal move, had we been turning. Luckily, we weren’t turning and there was no accident. Personally, I think if the security is going to be so cautious, they should figure out what car is the most popular one owned in the city, buy five of them, replace their windows with the special glass, and make the prime minister’s car look like thousands of others. That way, if a terrorist is looking for the prime minister, he has only a one in a thousand chance of finding the correct car, rather than the good chance of him finding the unique, painfully obvious cars of the prime minister and security. But what do I know, I’m just a high school student who manages to avoid getting called on in class by making herself look very busy and therefore blending in with the other twenty students who haven’t done their homework. Anyway, on Sunday, we went to Questacon. It is the most awesome museum ever. Its interactive and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool. The only bad part of it was this giant free fall. It was this ride thingy Eden and Heath forced me to go on despite my fear of falling. So there’s this bar and you have to hold it then let go on the count of three to fall to your doom. I chickened out the first time. I just want to point out, I DON’T LIKE FALLLING. My worst nightmares, worst then the weasels killing everyone with banana guns and the ones where the tiger at Red Robin comes to life and eats everyone, are the ones when I’m falling. Anyway, clearly, a ride called Free Fall is not for me. Despite this, I did go on it the second time. I tried really hard not to but apparently, I’m fat and it was too hard for the guy working it to pull me back up. Considering he was holding me steady, that isn’t very comforting. So I let go. It is the second worst ride I’ve ever been on. The only one worst was the Tower of Doom. (Is there a pattern there? Falling, falling, I think I don’t like falling.) Anyway, after we did Questicon, we went to the war memorial. It is amazing. It has sections of every war Australia was in. And yes America, they were in most of the wars. It also has an interactive piece where you can see a helicopter from Vietnam, a trench from WWI, and a submarine from the cold war. After we finished here, we left for home. The ride home took 7 hours. It was supposed to take 3. What happened was a truck tipped over and tore up the entire road. They had to close the highway. We sat at complete standstill with nothing but chocolate chip cookies, which admittedly wouldn’t be bad except we only had eaten bread rolls for lunch. When we finally got out of the traffic mess, we had to take a back road that extended the travel time by another two hours. Yippie. At least we got out of the traffic jam when we did. After we got home and had some pancakes and bacon, umm, we all fell dead in our beds. On that note, I bid thee ado. Look at the beautiful pictures I posted. I am off to enjoy one of the world’s most beautiful cities. If you live here, I suggest you do the same (after looking at the pictures, of course). If you don’t live here, look at the pictures and wallow in self-pity. Not to much though, it’s not good for you.