Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bendalong and the following Week

Dear Reader (I’m pretending I have readers because it makes me feel happy on the inside),

I have not updated in a while because I procrastinate naturally. I’m sorry to say that Sims 3 has taken a priority over you because I wanted to make a neighborhood and it’s hard. However, now I am angry with Sims because it’s being stupid and won’t upload neighborhoods right. So the options are the blog, cleaning my room, or doing homework. Just know, dear reader that if I’m up until midnight on the night before all of my projects are due, it is your fault.

So, seeing as the blog hasn’t been updated in a long time, I don’t remember everything that has happened and am going solely off of pictures. In short, if you look at the 208 photos, you can get a general idea of what happened and don’t have to read my edited online journal entries. Just a side note, the last sentence is a lie; you have to read this entry because I wrote it. Sadly, Eden will not be joining us with his “hilarious” commentary because he has to do homework. Hannah is invading my learning space” “am not. Do your homework.” “Oh Hannah. LEAVE THE COUNTRY” Sadly it looks like Eden has finished his homework and will be joining us. Anyway, on February 11, we went to the movies to see Valentines Day. The movie was sadly lacking in the half-naked Taylor Lautner. :’( Anyhow, after the movie, we met Kristina and her friends waiting for their movie to start. Eden took Kristina’s skirt and put it on. There is a picture of this hilarious spectacle somewhere is the 208 photos. So ha, now you have to look at all of the pictures so you can find the single funny picture. Friday was Valentines Day. I got a lovely chocolate rose from Sinead. I also got a plastic rose from Eden. That weekend, we went to Bendalong. It rained all weekend. That is not an exaggeration. We sucked it up and made the best of it. “Well some of us did” On Saturday, because it was raining and we were already wet, we attempted to surf. Brandon got up on his first try. I couldn’t even catch a wave on the first try. Finally, I became very good at catching the waves. I still was unable to stand up. Just so everyone knows, and it is now on the web, I got up twice, and I have video to prove it. After that, we walked to the beach and saw a stingray. It had a baby with it, which would have been really cute, except it was territorial and scary. After the weekend, I developed a cough and some hay fever allergies. Mind you, I am not sick. I just have a cough, and a stuffy nose, and a blocked up ear. But I’m not sick enough for medicine. I will take medicine when I am really sick. “When she says really sick she means dead on the ground.” “I don’t like medicine. It tastes bad.” Anyway, no, meaning, when I am too sick to get up and get it myself (that way I can’t take it anyway. Muwhaha.) Speaking of evil laughter, what is the correct spelling of muwhaha? I think I spell it differently every time I spell it. Anyway, on Tuesday of the next week, it was the school swimming carnival. All of us year 11 girls and most of the year 11 guys covered ourselves with zinc designs and didn’t wear any other sunscreen. As a result, I ended up with LEWIS written on my arm and Eden ended up with drawn on abs. On Thursday, we went to the op shops to go shopping for Friday’s disco night. In the process, I tried on four-inch stiletto heels and almost killed myself. “Ashley nearly disallowed me to have children with some scissors.” “I forgot about that. Maybe I’ll keep you around, Eden.” Friday was chaos. Of course, that is probably because I chose to watch Summer Heights High with Eden instead of showering. As a result, I had to rush and take a quick shower whilst Sinead and Ashley headed over. As I finished, they arrived. I had to dry my hair quickly, which, as anyone who has seen me fix my hair knows, it not possible. It also looks really bad. After dealing with my stupid stubborn hair, we were off. When we arrived at church, just late enough to make a fashionably late entrance, we discovered that almost nobody else felt the need to dress up. The losers. Still, we stuck out and had lots of fun. In their faces. “Anyway we looked pretty spesh” “For all of you Americans, that means special.” On Saturday, we went to Centerpoint Tower. As always, I forgot that I don’t like heights until I was on the skywalk, looking down, and thinking WARNING SHARING MY THOUGHTS AND MY THOUGHTS USE SWEAR WORDS AT TIMES LIKE THIS. THE FOLLOWING CONTENT MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN WHO HAVE NEVER SET FOOT IN A MIDDLE SCHOOL OR SEEN A MOVIE RATED PG OR ABOVE. Anyway, I was thinking, “holy shit, this is really high.” However, I got through this by thinking about Brandon. This sounds weird but I imagined him on the skywalk. It made me laugh. For everyone who doesn’t know him, Brandon is the American boy on the exchange and he is afraid of heights. Seeing other people either scared to death or in pain always helps me get through things. After that, the skywalk was fun until everyone was jumping. At one point, I stopped and everyone else jumped again. Mind you, the platform under us was glass. It shook. My first reaction was to grab the bar so tight I left an imprint. All of the strangers on the walk laughed at me and I suggested they frame the print. Unfortunately, that costs extra. Just know, if anyone ever goes on the skywalk, the white-knuckled imprint is mine. Anyway, after this, Heath decided that it would be funny to push me when I had finally ventured back to the edge after my jumping scare. This time, I actually screamed. Then I hit him so hard on the back of the head that there is still an imprint. This one we did frame. On Saturday night and Sunday, I put my I.B. skillage to use and read an entire book. Now any I.B. student will ask, how is this I.B. skillage. The answer to that is I got the book in the first week of school and had five weeks to read it. I was supposed to have it read by Monday. Well loyal readers, and readers who are reading this for the first time, and readers who are reading this for the last time, this blog entry is finished. But just so you know, if you are reading this blog for the last time, it better be for a good reason. The only good reasons are if you just figured out that you are A and you aren’t welcome on this blog, or if you just realized that Mr. Thims is a codename and you aren’t welcome either, or if you don’t like my writing style. Please note, if you are part of option two, ewwwwwwww, why are you reading this blog, please leave. It you are part of options one or three, I clearly didn’t make myself clear two entries ago, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME ON THIS SITE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. HIT THE HOME BUTTON, CLEAR YOUR HISTORY, AND NEVER DARKEN THE DOORSTEP OF THIS BLOG AGAIN. “In the nice way that only I can do, get out of our site, we really don’t want you here, and I know your laughing now thinking “oh eden” Im not Joking I don’t like you, and when I say it I mean it, im not laughing with you, im laughing at you, at your face, and at your ignorance. SO leave, because you are an unwanted lovechild.” Ok, that is really it. Everyone, new, loyal, or leaving, it’s over. You can go now, unless you haven’t looked at the pictures. But once you do that, please leave. It really isn’t hard. Just hit the home button. That’s it. Just move your mouse up to the little button shaped like a house and click. Seriously. Don’t you people have lives? This entry is over. Please leave the site immediately. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. Just go. House and click. There we go. Bye bye now. See you next week. “Seriously, refreshing the page isn’t going to make us write our blogs quicker. Go back to facebook.”

Friday, February 5, 2010

The First and Second Day of School

Here it is, the long awaited, much loved blog entry by yours-truly, Hannah. This entry is about school. That being said, the number of the day is 6. 6 is how many classes I have everyday (including breaks, not including recess, lunch, or extensions.) 6 is how many subjects I am taking, 6:30 is when I wake up every morning. 60 minutes is how long I have to get ready when I’m finished showering, 60 minus 30 minutes is how long I spend in the bathroom before that 60 minutes. 6 is the number of times I’ve had to been reintroduced to people because I’ve forgotten their names. 666 is the number tattooed on the back of Mr. Thims’s head (for the record, I have changed Mr. Smith's name into a codename for his protection. Thims is Smith spelled backward). “Burn him, please” “No, stab him with a magic devil killing stake.” 6 is the number of times in a period someone complains about said teacher. 6 is the number of times I have ran into a stupid year 6+1 (7 but that wouldn’t work with my theme) and 16 is the number of times 6 is used in this beginning paragraph.
The first two days of Fantastical Learnifying in the Australian School System (FLASS) were uneventful. The first day was all of three hours long and all we did was learn about seminars. Seminars are something in FLASS to allow year 11’s some choice in their learning. However, after hearing what we were required to do for seminars, we found that the only choice we got was when we went to what. Seminars thus because known as ATENBRFWFBYH‘C’ (a teacher’s excuse not to be responsible for when you fail because you had a “choice”). When ATENBRFWFBYH‘C’s are available for a class you are taking, you have to go to them. There is no “I’m pretty good at that piece, I won’t go” option. You could know recurring decimals inside and out but you will still have to go to the seminar on it. On Friday, the second day of FLASS, we went to every class. Haha, that rhymes. “Sooooo not cool” “Go away, you’re not welcomed in my blog entry” Finding classes is very confusing; FLASS timetables are hard to read. Here is mine.

What does all of this mean? What in God’s good name is a period zero? Why is there no seventh periods, ever? What do all of the spaces mean? What are RC, R, Ass (other than a donkey), L1, and L2? These were the questions I asked myself when I first got my timetable. My confusion deepened when people took my timetable out of my hand and started telling me what classes I had with them. How did they know? Do Australians have a special gene that makes this jumbled mess make sense? It turns out that Australians are not, in fact, crazy mutants. “Well, it’s because Australia is such a highly developed country that we have hidden our power from the world and allow America to take the fal for being the worlds ‘Super Power’” “You spelt fall wrong.” “Says the one who had to retype SPELT four times to get it right” The timetable does make a tiny bit of sense. SoR is studies of religion, PVDI is photography and visual design, MATHS is math, ENG is English, MH is modern history and CH is chemistry. The second set of letters is the teacher’s first and last initials along with a number to symbolize how many teachers have those initials. The third number is a room number. Period zero is before school and period seven is after school. RC is roll call, R is recess, Ass is assembly (the abbreviation makes sense), and L1 and L2 are lunch. I have both lunch periods. Other than this confusion, Friday was uneventful. After school, we went for a swim. I love having a pool in the backyard. *laughs quietly at all of those people in CO’s 45oF weather. 75oF all week here* We went canoeing on Saturday (which means Eden and Heath paddled and I sat in front and encouraged them). After canoeing, we went to church. After being introduced to the church, I got free nachos. Then, Eden planted a present in his minister’s office. We waited for Steve to go to his office for about half an hour. By the time he did, half the people left at church knew what was going on. The people who didn’t know were old. This made it even funnier when Steve started to take the package outside of his office to open it in the hall. We were outside the window and we raced back inside. Luckily, Eden’s dad directed him back into the office and we raced back to the window. After Steve opened his fantastic gift, we knocked on the window and raced away. He thought it was so funny that he gave us the leftover Thai chicken salad and carried his gift outside for all the old people to see. What was this fantastic gift of questionable appropriodity? Hot pink plastic CAR BALLS!!!!!! “Boo yeah!” Sunday was the welcome BBQ. It was pretty fun. We had lamb and kangaroo. It tastes like steak. Thus concludes this blog entry.

The word of the day is recess, the awesomest time of the day