Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Australia Day

Today, I learned that Eden has fourty-thousand-million-gillion-gazlion girl friends. How you ask. And if you didn't ask, you are either one of these friends or an nonreactive blog reader who doesn't think I'm funny. In the case of the latter, please never darken the doorstep of the blog again. If you didn't laugh at that, then I'm serious, your presence on this sight is not welcome, please leave. Also leave if you are A (and you know who you are A). So anyway, how did I find out that Eden has fourty-thousand-million-gillion-gazlion girl friends? I'm not going to tell you yet. First, I'm going to talk about the rest of Australia day. (That's a writing technique to keep someone reading through the boring parts so they can know the good stuff.) We went to the city for the first half of the day. To get to the city, we ride the train. During that time, we put on tattoos and Blake and I made fun of the girl eating peach yogurt and bananas. In the city, we went to the circular quay (pronounced cay). That’s where the Sydney Harbour (Harbor) Bridge and the Sydney Opera House are, children. We watched the ferry races. The ferries were cool, except it was very hot and ferries are very slow. There were other entertainments while we waited, such as the stupid eight people in the four person boat trying to zoom around the big ferries and watching them fly in the air over the waves, and the littlest jet boat. The littlest jet boat was a tiny boat that originally had no people. We wrote a story about it but then it came back with people and the story was over. The race finished and the black boat one won. We went to watch the street shows. We watched the second-best unicyclist in the world (he was the first and even had a metal but I wanted to be first so I made myself a metal and a plague. So now I’m the world’s best unicyclist.) and an Aboriginal band. Heath and I played with the band on the sticks. Then they kicked me out because my rhythm stinks and Heath had to come with me. After that, I had my first sausage roll. We went to get on the train and we found Captain Cook. He wouldn’t let us take a picture with him because he wanted us to buy a cruise. So we just went to the train. When we got home, we went swimming. Later, Eden and I went to Menai to watch the fireworks. Finally, it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for… how I learned that Eden has fourty-thousand-million-gillion-gazlion girl friends. The moment we entered the fields at Menai, Eden was swarmed. And after one girl was done squealing, she would try to introduce herself. Unfortunately, when she did this, another girl would begin to squeal and I could never hear the names. Finally, I just hid with Steph and Brandon. Steph’s friends don’t squeal and jump, they’re calm and I can hear their names. The fireworks were awesome. By the end of the day, we were worn out (again). Once again, we fell asleep as soon as we hit our beds. The End.

Today’s Aussie word of the week is an actual slang word that is used. It is heaps. Guess what it means.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


All right, at the request of my parents, Sydnie “nobody likes you, Sydnie” “Be nice. I like you Syd”, my sister, and through my sister, my old teachers coupled with the fact that I have math homework that I don’t want to do, I will update the blog with my first days of school and before. But first I should say that Eden was adding things to this entry verbally and they are in italic quotes, along with my replies (in non-italic quotes). I advise reading Eden’s part in a whiny high-pitched girl voice. Screw you Hannah I am a MAN and so are you”. On Saturday, Eden and I went to big day out. God Hannah, there are freaking capital letters” We had a mini adventure because we didn’t have our ids (we didn’t know we needed them) and Eden didn’t have his school id because he lost it in America. Even though Eden has lost “it was stolen” “shut up Eden” “(raspberry)” “thus proving the statement about a whiny girl” his wallet (and all of his ids), pants, and many other things, he still felt that it would be better for him to keep the tickets to the train, the concert, my permit, and his birth certificate (which he had to take because he lost his ids, is that ironic?). When we got to the concert, we were hungry so Eden and I got Subway. The Subways in Australia don’t have mustard. :”( that’s a sobbing smiley face which isn’t a real smiley face because it is sobbing not smiling. So anyway, I temporarily forgot that the Subways didn’t have mustard and the lady behind the counter didn’t speak enough English to remind me. So after I asked three times and all of the people getting Subway laughed “I didn’t laugh” at the stupid American “Now I nodded”, I gave up on that. Subway isn’t the same without mustard. After eating the swm (subway without mustard), we went to the concert. Eden demonstrated another reason to not trust him with important things when he went through the line twenty people ahead of me “it is only fair to point out that Hannah just changed that number four times” “shut up Eden, this is my blog entry, get your own” its my blog to, Hannah and Eden’s most excellent adventure “My blog entry, our blog.” “(raspberry)” So anyway, after I got through by pointing at him and saying he has my things, we went to see Kisschasy. At that concert, we found some awesome 18-year olds, and spent the rest of the day getting smashed. JUST JOKING. Can’t believe everything you read on the Internet. “then why should we believe that you’re joking “maybe we can’t. Well, only we will truly know.” So what really happened was Eden checked our bag full of water and food after I told him to wait so we could change things around in Brandon’s bag to make room for them. Then Brandon and I got hot so we went and sat in the shade until the band we wanted to see was on. While in the shade, we watched this rapperdudemanboything (which is now a word because this guy needed something to describe him) rapperdudemanboything? Hannah’s on drugs everyone. “Eden, shut up.” This rapperdudemanboything had an entire song that just repeated his name (which was Dizzy Rascel). He was very confused as to where he was from. Sometimes he would have a Jamaican accent, an American accent, and other times, an Australian accent. So a more accurate name for him is rapperdudemanboythingwhodoesn’tknowwherehe’sfrom. It was during rapperdudemanboythingwhodoesn’tknowwherehe’sfrom’s performance that Brandon and I started crowd watching. We watched the girl who danced like a sim, the people square dancing, the people jumping with an imaginary rope (a girl trip over the imaginary rope), and the girl get side tackled and sit waiting for the paramedics to come. When we left the shade, the heavens opened and it rained a lot. Brandon didn’t understand why I wanted out of the rain until he noticed that I was wearing a tank top. Such a boy. “Reminds me of you” “Go to Hell” Until the end of the night, it was uneventful. At the end of the night, there was a miscommunication and someone “cough A**** cough. Why did you block out the letters?” “for the sake of anonymity” didn’t understand that when we said meet at the playground, we meant meet at the playground, we’re leaving. As a result, Eden and I didn’t get to eat McDonalds with everyone else. Sad day. We did have it later due to the persuasive techniques of persistent whining from Blake and Eden (who sounded like a girl). Then we got home and fell on the floor with extreme exhaustion. The End.

The Aussie word of the day (meaning the word of whenever I feel like posting one) is brought to you by Lilly Allen. Although we can’t say it for my parents sake. “Woo, I got the last word” "No, I get the last word, its my entry" "NOt when I take your laptop away" "Haha, he thinks he won but now he's doing maths and I get the last word. MUWHAHA"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Camping at Swan Lake

Here are some pictures of Swan Lake. There are 146 and you have to look at all of them because it took me 3 hours and three tries to get them here.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Arrivals

Here are some pics from Eden's arrival and my arrival. Eden's plane ride was uneventful, except for that fact that he joined the mile high club because Tom said that it was a must do but mine had a shaky start and middle and end. Apparently, the person at baggage claim didn't realize that I wanted my ticket and boarding pass not just my boarding pass. As we were loading the plane, the man taking tickets sent me to the information desk where they scanned my passport, boarding pass, and gave me a ticket. They then torn up my boarding pass. In addition to this, they succeeded in flipping past my visa in my passport a total of three times before asking me where it was (the second page). I was one of the last people to load the flight and Brandon informed me that I owed him a cocktail because of the panic I gave him. The rest of the flight to San Francisco was uneventful. In San Francisco, we had a four hour layover in which we found our gate and ate dinner at a burger place. During the last hour, we went back to our gate. I waited in a really long line to get my ticket. When I was talking to the person at the desk, my name was called because they wanted me in another line (not correctly, mind you, my last name is not Fal-fal-fal(murmurs something in gibberish)). I was told by the person I was speaking to that the people at the Denver Airport don't know what they're doing. He proceeded to take my boarding pass, proof of purchase, and visa verification, stack them in a neat pile and shred them. Apparently in order to work in a US airport, you have to like to shred things. I went over to the other lady's desk with my new boarding pass (that looked exactly like the one now in the trash) and gave me a ticket (that looked exactly like the one now in the trash). I joined the others and we boarded the plane. When on the plane, we played light tag until the flight attendants announced that the lights should be turned off. I slept until two in the morning when they decided to serve snack. When we got off the plane, the four of us went to find a bathroom. After it was found, we changed into our uniforms and discovered that it was so hot that my deodorant was sweating (oh the irony). We went through the first bought of customs and went to find our luggage. When all the luggage was found except for my small red bag we sought the help of a nice airport worker. Nice Airport Lady (as she will hence be known) helped me find my bag which was now in a big plastic bag and she told me that my bag was efficiently packed (overstuffed) and the zipper had burst. We got the luggage onto the trolleys and headed off to platform 9 and 3/4. Just joking. We started to the other customs line. My efficiently packed bag toppled off my trolley. The others took this as a sign that I was fine and they went on without me. I was left to get help from scary men who looked like they were going to grab my luggage and run. Instead they put it back on my trolley and I went to customs. After laughing at the not funny joke about confiscating my chocolate, I went to follow the others to meet the families. According to Blake, I then saw a beacon of light. I followed the light to the source and saw Blake. But I was repelled by his ugliness and met the rest of the family. We went home, I showered, and we went to the beach where I was greeted by a saluting crowd of kids.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

i'm Done!

Well that's it. The US crew has left for Oz and I am officially done. Hopefully Hannah will pick up the slack and add some pics from down under.

Didn't take many pics at the airport, but here they are. Thank you Holly for filling in for the missing Aleah!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Casa Bonita and Other Photos

I'm learning!!!

Here are some photos of Eden's last ski trip, Casa Bonita, and Zoo lights.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Almost Half Way

It's almost half time in Hannah and Eden's Most Excellent Adventure. In this installment you can view photos from the going away party and Eden's goodbye at the airport.

Party I and Party II -- Party one was for Family and party two was for Hannah and Eden's friends. We had about 50 kids at party two. The house was rocking!

Pics from the airport. Not a whole lot of happy people in these photos!